The January monthly Board Meeting of Farming Township was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake and Mike Schleper.
The December minutes were read. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with a checking account balance of $323,670.46.
RE: Zoning – The Board received a copy of the updated Zoning Ordinance from Stearns County. Dewey Klaphake reported there was no action for the month.
RE: COL Fire District – Vernon Willenbring gave a report on the Budget Meeting. Discussion was held.
RE: Farming Athletic Association – Mike Schleper was present with questions regarding the placement of the electrical panel for the new lights at the baseball park. Discussion was held. Dewey Klaphake will check into the zoning issues and get back to Mike Schleper.
RE: Board of Equalization Certification – Dave Robertson reported that he took the certification class on-line and presented his certificate to the Board.
RE: Annual Audit and Budget Meetings – It was decided to hold the meetings at the monthly February Board Meeting.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6530 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $ 64.93
6531 Farming Comm. Center annual rent 2195.00
6532 Stearns Cty Assn of Twps county and state dues 1029.96
6533 US Treasury social security/medicare 337.76
6534 Sunny Brook Ent. Inc. snowplowing/Dec guarantee 7855.00
Total $ 11,482.65
Year-to-date Total $ 11,482.65
At 8:50 pm, Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.