Minutes January 2,2024
The January Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Jason Willenbring at 8:00 pm. The
flag pledge was said. All members were present.
The December minutes were read. Ben Mergen made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Dan Stommes seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $599,294.46 in the checking, Money Market and one CD. Tarring fund
CD’s of $1,237,144.26 for a total of $1,836,438.72.
Dan Stommes made a motion to move $100,000.00 from the Money Market into a 6 month CD, Ben Mergen seconded
it, all in favor, motion carried.
Jason Willenbring gave a report from the Chain of Lakes Fire Department. Their budget will remain about the same as
last year.
Discussion was held regarding election judges. After checking with the County, it is OK for Linda Theisen to be an
election judge, even if her name is on the ballot, the only suggestion was that she not handle the ballots. The board was
OK with this. Linda Theisen will check with Victor Kotten and Anne Smith-Bleichner to see if they will both be available
for the March election, if not another judge will need to be found and trained in before the March election.
Discussion was held regarding of moving the township election to November, the board feels that there would be less
turn out at the annual meeting in March if this is done. Discussion was also held regarding the option of going back to in
person voting. There is the option of residents going to St. Cloud if they want to vote in person, or drop off their ballot
in St. Cloud if they don’t trust the mail. There is higher percentage of voters, voting by mail in ballot, than there was
when it was in person voting, and the board fees this is best for the township at this time.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill 57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
7271 Sunnybrook Ent Monthly guarantee 1000.00
7272 M-R Signs 911 sign and posts 433.11
7273 United States Treasury 4 th quarter payroll tax 532.60
7274 MATIT Work Comp Ins 405.00
7275 Farming Comm Center Annual Rent 4000.00
7276 Community Tech Computer 975.00
Total $ 7,482.51
Year-to-date Total $ 7,482.51
At 9:00Ben Mergen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.