Approved Annual Meeting Minutes 3.14.2023
The Annual Meeting of the Town of Farming, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota was held in the
Farming Community Center on the 14 day of March, 2023. It was called to order by Clerk Linda Theisen
at 8:30 pm. The flag pledge was said.
A total of 20 residents were present at the meeting.
Clerk Linda Theisen asked for nominations from the floor for moderator. Neil Franz nominated Victor
Kotten, Dave Robertson seconded. The Clerk declared Victor Kotten as the moderator.
The minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting were read by Clerk Linda Theisen Pete Rushmeyer made a
motion to accept the minutes as read, Dewey Klaphake seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Discussion was held. Ron Backes made a motion to accept the
report after a mathematical error is fixed. Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the failing of banks. Neil Franz made a motion to allow the board to look
into other banks and moving some money to another bank to assure that the township money is safe if
the bank fails. Dewey Klaphake seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Dave Robertson made a motion to continue with Trappers Pub and Grub, Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Farming Community Center and the Township Website as posting places, Ron Backes seconded. All in
favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen made a motion to have the Star Post as the official Township newspaper, Dewey
Klaphake seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Dave Robertsons made a motion to have the polling time for the Township Election from 4 pm to 8 pm
in the Farming Community Center Board Room, Duane Janssen seconded. After discussion, Dave
Robertson withdrew his motion. Neil Franz made a motion to have the polling time for the Township
Elections from 2 pm to 8pm. Ronnie Backes seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Neil Franz made a motion to allow the board to take the necessary actions to place the issue of voting in
November for township officials on the ballot at the next annual election. Ronnie Backes seconded it, all
in favor, motion carried.
Tom Winkels made a motion that the Annual Meeting on March 12, 2024 be held at 8:30 pm in the
Farming Community Center, Tony Legatt seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Dewey Klaphake made a motion to hold the monthly Board Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month
at 8 pm in the Farming Community Center Board Room, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion
The Board of Canvass was held immediately following the Township Election. The results were: For
Supervisor Dan Stommes received 17 votes, there were no other votes. Dan Stommes was declared the
winner. For Treasurer Adam Brix received 17 votes, there were no other votes. Adam Brix was declared
the winner. A total of 17 voters voted in the Township Election.
Neil Franz made a motion to destroy the old 2021 ballots, John Blenker seconded. All in favor, motion
The proposed General Fund and Road and Bridge Fund Levy Of $324,200 was presented. Discussion was
held. Dan Stommes gave an explanation of how the budget is set. Jason Willenbring gave an expla
nation of an approximate cost per mile for tarring. Dewey Klaphake made a motion to set the annual
budget at $324,200 with $224,200 for general operating and $100,000 going into the tarring fund,
Ronnie Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
There was no old business.
New Business – Mail in ballots, there was much discussion regarding the post cards and the ballots that
the county sent, and why some people got two and some didn’t get any.
Dan Stommes presented Duane Janssen an plaque and thanked him for his 27 years of service to the
township board.
At 10:15 pm, Neil Franz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dewey Klaphake seconded. All in favor,
motion carried.
Coffee and cookies were served after the meeting.
Minutes taken by Clerk Linda Theisen