The Annual Meeting of the Town of Farming, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota was held in the Farming Community Center on the 8th day of March, 2022. It was called to order by Clerk Judy Bruemmer at 8:30 pm. The flag pledge was said.
A total of 23 residents were present at the meeting.
Clerk Judy Bruemmer asked for nominations from the floor for moderator. Victor Kotten nominated Dewey Klaphake, Duane Janssen seconded. The Clerk asked for additional nominations for moderator. Dewey Klaphake nominated Victor Kotten. The nomination failed because of lack of a second. Duane Janssen made a motion to close nominations, Ron Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Dewey Klaphake accepted the position of moderator.
The minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting were read by Clerk Judy Bruemmer. Duane Janssen made a motion to accept the minutes as read, John Blenker seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Discussion was held. Victor Kotten made a motion to accept the report as presented, Ron Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Ron Backes made a motion to continue with Trappers Pub and Grub, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Farming Community Center and the Township Website as posting places, Tony Meyer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen made a motion to have the Star Post as the official Township newspaper, Ron Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Ron Backes made a motion to have the polling time for the Township Election from 2 pm to 8 pm in the Farming Community Center Board Room, Duane Janssen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
John Blenker made a motion that the Annual Meeting on March 14, 2023 be held at 8:30 pm in the Farming Community Center, Ron Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Ben Mergen made a motion to hold the monthly Board Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 8 pm in the Farming Community Center Board Room, Ron Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Board of Canvass was held immediately following the Township Election. The results were: For Supervisor Ben Mergen received 23 votes, there were no other votes. Ben Mergen was declared the winner. For Clerk Linda Theisen received 23 votes, there were no other votes. Linda Theisen was declared the winner. A total of 23 voters voted in the Township Election.
Tony Legatt made a motion to destroy the old 2020 ballots, Duane Janssen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The proposed General Fund and Road and Bridge Fund Levy Of $210,500 was presented. The amount was the same as last year. Discussion was held. Supervisors explained the ARPA grant. Duane Janssen made a motion to set the General and Road and Bridge Levy at $210,500 and have a Tarring Levy at $100,000, Victor Kotten seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
There was no old business.
New Business – The Board stated that there was a need for additional election judges and a need for a member on the Zoning Board. Anyone interested in the positions should contact the Township Clerk or the Zoning Administrator.
Clerk Judy Bruemmer and Supervisor Dave Robertson were presented plaques and thanked for their years of service on the Township Board.
At 9:07 pm, Duane Janssen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Tony Meyer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Coffee and cookies were served after the meeting.
Minutes taken by Clerk Judy Bruemmer