The August Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Dewey Klaphake, Rick Tamm, Rich Rothstein, Tyler Rothstein, Charlie Buermann, Vic Kotten and John Harren from Stearns Electric.
The July minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $685,616.96 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,976,981.22. Year to date interest earned is $70,798.70.
John Harren from Stearns Electric was present with a request to replace a broken line on 260th Street and was wondering what the procedure would be to get this done. Discussion was held regarding this repair and what should be done in the future. Jason Willenbring made a motion to allow Stearns Electric to go ahead and get the broken line repaired. Dan Stommes seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Stearns Electric will be sending in a $100 fee that is associated with crossing a township road. Stearns Electric will be providing the township with a proposal has how to handle future repairs and construction.
Rich and Tyler Rothstein were present to discuss what needs to be done when there would be two houses built off the same driveway. Discussion was held. The driveway will need to get a street name or number for emergency personal, but it will remain a driveway.
Ben Mergen reported that Cenex is almost done spraying Albany Township and will be starting Farming Township at the end of this week, staying away from some area’s that the residents requested.
Jason Willenbring reported that Farming Township has about $5000 which can be used for parks and play ground equipment. Information regarding applying for this money was forwarded to Holly Roush of the Farming Community Center board.
Dan Stommes gave a report from the Albany Fire Department Board they have applied for a FEMA grant which they would use for turn out equipment. John Klassen is the new fire chief after the resignation of the previous chief. The front of the fire hall will be getting a face lift which is being paid for thru gambling funds. They are looking to replace a fire truck that was purchased in 2003.
Road upkeep on 223rd will be looked at again in the areas of Roger Backes and Lloyd Jewell to determine what needs to be done before winter.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7328 Central MN Dust Control Dust Control $10,486.25
7329 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2 and Blading $19,161.72
7330 Chain of Lakes Fire 2pymt fire protection $3,516.42
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 33,301.19
Year-to-date Total $ 198,733.00
At 9:20pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.