The December Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present, also present were Eric Popp Stearns County Deputy, Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, and Marlene Statz
The November minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $626,052.01 in checking, Money Market and one CD. $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CDs for a total of $1,917,416.27. Discussion was held. There is a tarring fund CD which comes due December 12,2024. Jason Willenbring made a motion to take a $100,000.00 from checking and add it to the CD when it comes due and renewing it for a new 12 CD. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Deputy Eric Popp was unable to give a report of recent activity in Farming Township, the sheriff’s office has a new CAD system and it is not totally updated yet. The Sheriff’s department will be getting new tasers, the old ones are outdated and will be returned to the manufacturer. There was discussion regarding the amount of household garbage that is being dumped on Clear Lake Road and 290th Street, Eric will pass this information along to fellow deputies, if they are out in the area to watch for this.
Marlene Statz was present to request an offsite gambling permit for the Farming Lions. This will take place on April 4, 2025 along with their annual fish fry down at Trappers. Dan Stommes made a motion to approve the one-day gambling permit for the Farming Lions on April 4,2025. Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Regarding the selling and manufacturing of Cannabis, discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to following the rules of the County regarding the manufacturing and selling of Cannabis products in Farming Township. Jason Willenbring seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Rich Rothstein had sent an email regarding the culverts on his property and Manana Road, that water was unable to get threw them. Discussion was held. Gary Hemmesch will take a look at this to determine possible solutions,
Stearns Electric will be adding a streetlight on an existing pole across from Mayers Repair to replace the one that was taken down while construction was being done on County Road 23, in 2023
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7352 Dan Stommes Mileage reimb $38.19
7353 Dan Stommes Supervisor Wages $517.16
7354 Ben Mergen Supervisor Wages $332.46
7355 Adam Brix Treasurer Wages $461.75
7356 Jason Willenbring Supervisor Wages $646.45
7357 Hemmesch Excavating Road Grader work $763.80
7358 Farming Community Center 2025 Rent $4400.0
7359 Linda Theisen Clerk Wages $1048.17
7360 Linda Theisen Reimb stamps/comp $182.28
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
Total $ 8527.06
Year-to-date Total $251101.25
At 8:50 pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded it. All in favor, motion carried.
Category Archives: 2024 Minutes
Official Minutes November 5, 2024
The November Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:05pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present, with the exception of Adam Brix who was absent. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Travis Rahn, and John Mergen.
The October minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
There was not a treasurers report, being Adam Brix was absent.
Travis Rahn was present with his preliminary plat. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the preliminary plat for Rahns Estates. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
John Mergen was present to discuss putting in a driveway off of 307th Street. Discussion was held. 307th Street is a private road, with a street number for 911 emergency needs only, he will need to talk to the landowner who lives there regarding putting in a new driveway.
There was one bid for snow removal for the 2024-2025 season. The Bid was from Sunnybrook Enterprises Inc. it was for snow removal and sanding truck of $175/hour, and salt/sand of $100 per yard, price may go up without notice if there is a shortage in addition to the normal fees there would be $1000/per month guarantee for January, February, March and April. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the bid from Sunnybrook Enterprises Inc bid for snow removal and sanding truck of $175/hour and salt/sand of $100 per yard, stating that the price may up without notice if there is a shortage in addition to normal fees there would be a $1000/month guarantee for January, February, March and April. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Regarding Stearns County Parks Board Grant, Holly Roush from the Farming Community Center had applied for a Parks Board Grant that showed that Farming Townhip had about $5200 available to improve parks in the Township. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion that the Township allow The Farming Community Center to apply for this grant as it would be a good use of these funds to improve the playground at the Farming Community Center. Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Jason Willenbring noted that the Chain of Lakes Fire and Rescue will be having their annual meeting on December 9,2024 at that all board members are welcome to attend as they will review the past year activity and discuss the upcoming years fees.
Stearns Electric proposed ordinance was reviewed with changes. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve Ordinance 11-5-24 which allows Stearns Electric to repair, maintain, improve or to bring electric to the residents of Farming Township along with trimming trees and shrubs in the road right of way that could interfere with the electric facilities. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7349 MN Assoc Township Linda year end training $30.00
7350 Chain of Lakes Fire Fire Protections $1758.21
7351 Hemmesch Excavating Road Grader work $1453.50
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
Total $ 3378.51
Year-to-date Total $242,574.19
At 9:00pm Jason Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dan Stommes seconded it. All in favor, motion carried.
Official Minutes October 1, 2024
The October Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Travis Rahn, Bryan Rubin, Joe Dockendorf, Marlene and Ron Statz, and Cooper Brinkman
The September minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $618,832.77 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,910,197.03.
Travis Rahn was present with some questions regarding, putting in a driveway and building on property that he purchased. Discussion was held. After he hears back from the county, he will need to get in touch with Dewey Klaphake regarding what his next steps are to gets his permits.
Ron and Marlene Statz were present to discuss the culvert on 290th. The culvert is level and has some sharp edges on that would hamper running a manure hose thru to pump manure to the other side of the road. Discussion was held. The Statz’s will meet with Gary Hemmesch to discuss options to fix.
Stearns Electric sent a proposed ordinance that the board reviewed that would allow Stearns Electric to fix, maintain and put in new service to any member in Farming Township. The board reviewed and had some changes that they would like to see in the proposed ordinance. Clerk Linda Theisen will be in contact with Stearns Electric regarding these corrections.
There is a wash out in a field on Fifth Lake Road that needs to be fixed. Jason Hamann will take care of getting that taken care of after the crops are harvested.
Bryan Rubin and Joe Dockendorf reported that they have started on the repair of the carp trap on Clear Lake and will continue to work on as time permits.
Dan Stommes gave a report on the 5th Monday Meeting of Albany Area Schools that was held at the new ECFE building, a tour was provided to those attending. Most of the work is done on the building, with some small items that need to be completed yet. The cost of the building came in under budget. The school was able to replace some of the lighting in existing buildings with new LED lights, the cost of these lights was paid for with grants and rebates.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7347 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2/blading $4646.85
7348 United States Treasury 3rd Quarter Payroll tax $537.04
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
Total $ 5320.69
Year-to-date Total $ 239,195.68
At 9:00pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Official Minutes September 3, 2024
The September Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Rich & Carol Rothstein, Jere Pohlman and Caden Mueller for the Stearns County Sheriffs Department
The August minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read after a correction of adding that Dan Stommes seconded the motion to allow Stearns Electric to go ahead and fix a broken line on 2606th Street. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $656,446.04 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,947,810.30.
Officer Mueller gave a report for activity in Farming Township for May, June and July. In May there were 12 calls, June there were 15 calls and in July there were 23 calls. The town board brought to the attention of Officer Mueller that there were complaints of garbage being dumped along Clear Lake Road and there were signs stolen along Clear Lake Road. He will make note of it and see if more patrolling can be done on that road.
Rich and Carol Rothstein were present to discuss the finding from the County with having more than one house number on a driveway. The County is OK with having three house numbers on the one driveway, but suggested that a house number be put at the point on the driveway that shows what house number goes to which house.
Election Judge update, there are still a few people who completed the training, but have no turned in a slip to request payment for that training.
Weed spraying should be done.
Road upkeep on 223rd the culvert by Lloyd Jewell is under water and is on hold for now.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7331 Adam Brix Treasurer wages $461.75
7332 Dan Stommes Supervisor wages $461.75
7333 Dan Stommes Mileage reimb $69.68
7334 Jason Willenbring Supervisor wages $554.10
7335 Ben Mergen Supervisor wages $369.40
7336 Linda Theisen Clerk wages $1394.48
7337 Linda Theisen Ink/mileage/comp time $210.42
7338 Victor Kotten Elect Judge Train/mileage $148.14
7339 Marcus Lemke Election Judge training $20.00
7340 Pville Cenex Spray road ditches $5558.58
7341 Matt Schmitz Cut Road ditches $3981.00
7342 Dave Robertson Election Judge Training $70.00
7343 Jamie Schmitz Election Judge Training $40.00
7344 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2/blading $13769.85
7345 City of St. Martin Fire Protection $7856.04
7346 Lea Langley Election Judge Training $40.00
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 35,141.99
Year-to-date Total $ 233,874.99
At 9:00pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Official Minutes August 6, 2024
The August Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Dewey Klaphake, Rick Tamm, Rich Rothstein, Tyler Rothstein, Charlie Buermann, Vic Kotten and John Harren from Stearns Electric.
The July minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $685,616.96 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,976,981.22. Year to date interest earned is $70,798.70.
John Harren from Stearns Electric was present with a request to replace a broken line on 260th Street and was wondering what the procedure would be to get this done. Discussion was held regarding this repair and what should be done in the future. Jason Willenbring made a motion to allow Stearns Electric to go ahead and get the broken line repaired. Dan Stommes seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried. Stearns Electric will be sending in a $100 fee that is associated with crossing a township road. Stearns Electric will be providing the township with a proposal has how to handle future repairs and construction.
Rich and Tyler Rothstein were present to discuss what needs to be done when there would be two houses built off the same driveway. Discussion was held. The driveway will need to get a street name or number for emergency personal, but it will remain a driveway.
Ben Mergen reported that Cenex is almost done spraying Albany Township and will be starting Farming Township at the end of this week, staying away from some area’s that the residents requested.
Jason Willenbring reported that Farming Township has about $5000 which can be used for parks and play ground equipment. Information regarding applying for this money was forwarded to Holly Roush of the Farming Community Center board.
Dan Stommes gave a report from the Albany Fire Department Board they have applied for a FEMA grant which they would use for turn out equipment. John Klassen is the new fire chief after the resignation of the previous chief. The front of the fire hall will be getting a face lift which is being paid for thru gambling funds. They are looking to replace a fire truck that was purchased in 2003.
Road upkeep on 223rd will be looked at again in the areas of Roger Backes and Lloyd Jewell to determine what needs to be done before winter.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7328 Central MN Dust Control Dust Control $10,486.25
7329 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2 and Blading $19,161.72
7330 Chain of Lakes Fire 2pymt fire protection $3,516.42
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 33,301.19
Year-to-date Total $ 198,733.00
At 9:20pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Official Minutes July 2, 2024
The July Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present with the exception of Adam Brix who was absent. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Dewey Klaphake, and Math Schmitz.
The June minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix was absent, so there was not a treasures report.
Weed tours were completed by all members of the township board, there were no specific areas of concern. Ben Mergen is in contact with Cenex and they will probably start spraying next week.
Regarding dust control, the roads are bladed and ready, dust control has not yet been applied. Dan Stommes and Gary Hemmesch will both contact Central Minnesota Dust Control to see when this will be done.
Regarding election judges, all who signed up should go ahead and do the training for election judges, once they have completed the training, they should get the township their certificate and hours needed to complete this training. Linda Theisen will get this list to Tom Winkels so he can contact those who expressed an interest in being an election judge.
Farming Community Center had a request for a one day liquor license for their Octoberfest to be held on September 28,2024. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve this one day liquor license for the Farming Community Center, Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Eric and Katie Stangler had a petition signed by about 20 plus people saying that the Stanlger’s would like to name the lake by their property as Sunrise Lake. Discussion was held. The board is OK with this and the Stanglers will be getting some paper work from the County for Ben Mergen to sign.
Jason Willenbring reported that the Steans County Parks Department has some extra money, Linda Theisen will pass this information along to Holly Roush as something the Farming Community Center can look into.
There are some issues about a manure pile, along a cartway that borders, Collegeville Township. Discussion was held. No further action on this matter.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7324 Math Schmitz Mowing ditches $2079.00
7325 United States Treasury 2nd quarter payroll tax $869.80
7326 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2 and blading $19,382.05
7327 MATIT Insurance $1507.00
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 23,974.65
Year-to-date Total $ 165,431.81
At 9:00 pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Official Minutes June 4 2024
Official Minutes 6-4-2024
The June Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag
pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Charlie Buermann,
Dewey Klaphake, Bryan Rubin, Kimberly Brock, Sherry Rolfes, Lorena Castillo Menk and Carden Mueller Stearns County
The May minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $535,946.92 in checking, Money Market and one CD. $1,264,594.74 in
CD’s in the tarring fund, for a total of $1,800,541.74 in all accounts. There is one CD coming due, in June and one in July.
Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to renew each of these CD’s for a 6 month at 5% interest. Jason
Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Lorena Castillo Menk was present to discuss putting some signs up on Fifth Lake Road, she operates a preschool
program called Oak Ridge Nature School on her property, despite the signs already out there on their property, they are
still having problems with speeding and trespassing and was wondering if the township could put a warning sign stating
that there are Children at Play and some other signage to let people know what they need to be aware of as they travel
Fifth Lake Road. Dan Stommes will follow up the Lorena Castillo Menk to discuss what signs should be ordered to help
alleviate some of the issues they are having and order the appropriate signs.
Carden Mueller from the Stearns County Sheriff’s department was present and gave a report of the activity that
happened in Farming Township in January and February of 2024. January there were 15 calls and in February there
were 10 calls.
Kimberly Brock was present to get a preliminary plot signed, as they would like to build a house in Brock Addition.
Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the preliminary plot for Kimberly Brock, Dan
Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Regarding going back to in person voting, discussion was held, Tom Winkels has over 20 people who would be willing to
be elections judges, with a few more to be added to the list. Election judge training has not be announced yet.
Brian Rubin from the Farming Sportsman Club was present and gave an update regarding the carp trap on Clear Lake, he
has met with Gary Hemmesch to discuss, it will be put on hold for the time being as weather plays a part in doing this
A concerned citizen was wondering about the trees that are growing in the ditch on 195 th , discussion was held, these
should be taken care of when the road ditches are sprayed for weeds.
Discussion was held regarding the cattle pass on 223 rd Ave by Roger Backes this can be taken out and replaced with a 36”
culvert. This will be coordinated with Gary Hemmesch.
Discussion was held regarding Statz’s issue with pumping Manure, no final determinations were made.
Weed tour should be done before the July meeting.
A map was done up for roads that need dust control and will be coordinated with Gary Hemmesch and Central
Minnesota Dust Control.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7311 Ben Mergen Supervisor Wages $738.80
7312 Adam Brix Treasurer Wages $554.10
7313 Jason Willenbring Supervisor Wages $1145.14
7314 Dan Stommes Supervisor Wages $1385.25
7315 Linda Theisen Clerk Wages $1177.46
7316 Dewey Klaphake Zoning Admin $249.34
7317 Ben Mergen Mileage Reimb $127.97
7318 Jason Willenbring Mileage Reimb $112.56
7319 Dewey Klaphake Site Permit/Mileage $47.20
7320 Dan Stommes Mileage Reimb $88.44
7321 Stearns County Auditor Assessing Fees $7260.25
7322 Linda Theisen Mileage/paper/comp $211.27
7323 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2/Blading $17,746.60
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 30,981.18
Year-to-date Total $ 141,457.16
At 9:34 pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion
Official Minutes May 7 2024
The May Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag
pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Sandy Klocker, Ron Statz, Marlene
Statz, Tom Winkels, Randy Klocker,Charlie Buermann, Randy Backes Charlie Gerkten, Dewey Klaphake and Brian Ruben
The April minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $582,035.19 in the checking, money market and one CD and
$1,237,144.26 in Tarring Fund CD’s with a total of $1,819,178.45. Discussion was held regarding the renewal of one of
the tarring fund CD’s which matures May 10 th . Dan Stommes made a motion to renew this CD for 9 months with an
interest rate of 5%, Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Dust Control, Dan Stommes got an estimate from Central MN Dust Control, of 73cents/foot for a width of 18 feet wide.
Discussion was held, Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the bid from Central MN Dust Control of 73cents per
foot and a width of 18 th feet wide. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried. This will be coordinated with
Gary Hemmesch when he blades the roads.
Regarding the matter of the township going back to in person voting. Much discussion was held. A big part of bringing
back in person voting is the matter of getting enough election judges, two people turned in a application to be an
election judge and one person had contacted the clerk after the annual meeting expressing an interest in being an
election judge. More election judges would be needed. There is also the matter of getting a deputy clerk to coordinate
the elections and a least one more head judge is needed. As of this date, the dates for the election judge training are not
Ron and Marlene Statz were present to discuss the issue of a culvert on 290 th Ave, they are unable to get a manure hose
thru the culvert to pump manure to the other side of the road. Discussion was held, Ben Mergen will check with legal
council as to who would be liable if the manure pumper would place the hose across the road and put steel grating over
the hose for traffic to drive across. The board will take a look at the culvert with a camera and possibly get it jetted out.
The Statz’s would like some sort of action done by August.
Spraying the weeds in the township road ditches, discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to hire Paynesville
Cenex to spray the weeds again this year, and spending about the seven thousand dollars as was done last year. Jason
Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried. Ben Mergen will coordinate with Paynesville Cenex.
Regarding the street light that was taken out by the construction company last year during road construction. There
have been several inquires wondering when it will be replaced. A meeting will be set up between Stearns Electric, the
town board, The Roush’s and the Zierden’s to see what will be the best way to get the light replaced.
Brian Ruben from the Farming Sportsman Club was present to discuss if the Sportsman Club went a head and put in new
pillings for a carp trap on Clear Lake would the township be able to pay this bill? The cost to do this would be about
$3000.00 Discussion was held, the Richmond American Legion had given the township a donation of $3000.00, which
was to be used for improvements on Clear Lake, the board told Brian that the township had all ready got the donation to
go ahead and get the work done and get the bill to the township.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7302 Stearns County Election Charge Back $186.59
7303 Victor Kotten Electi Judge/Meeting Mod $220.00
7304 Hemmesch Excavating Blading $3416.20
7305 Star Publications Legal Notice/Board Equal $45.65
7306 Anne Smith-Bleichner Election Judge $150.00
7307 Stearns County Auditor Boardband Pledge $40,000.00
7308 MN Assoc Township 3 Short Course registr $225.00
7309 Chain of Lakes Fires Fire Protection $1758.21
7310 M-R Signs Road sign/posts $193.92
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 46,332.37
Year-to-date Total $ 110,475.98
At 10:06 pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion
Minutes April 2, 2024
Minutes 4-2-2024
The April Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag
pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Math Schmitz, Val and Julie Knobloch. Darice Stommes,
Trevor Lange, Gary Hemmesch, Duane Janssen and Tom Winkels and Dewey Klaphake.
The March minutes were read, Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes after making a correction to
read that Chain of Lakes Fires would be using 5 shipping containers in stead of two, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor,
motion carried.
The ReOrganization minutes were reviewed, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the re organization minutes. Jason
Willenbring, seconded it, all in favor, motion carried
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $589,108.77 in the checking, money market and one CD and
$1,237,144.26 in Tarring Fund CD’s with a total of $1,826,253.03
New Signature cards will need to be signed, discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to add Ben Mergen on
the signature card and remove, Jason Willenbring. Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Val and Julie Knobloch were present to request that their property be rezoned to a R1, they would keep the current
house that is on the property and split the property so that another house could be built. Discussion was held. Dan
Stommes made a motion to approve this split to the county, Jason Willenbring, seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Matt Schmitz presented a bid for mowing road ditches, of $95/hour plus fuel using a 70hp tractor and a 8 foot disc
mower the tractor uses between 1 and 2 gallons of fuel per hour. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion
to approve the bid for Matt Schmitz to cut the township road ditches using a 70hp tractor and a 8 foot disc mower at a
rate of$95/hour plus fuel. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried. Math will start cutting the road ditches
around June 15 and will cut them again before school starts in the fall.
Trevor Lange of Lange Trenching presented a bid for Class 2, spread and bladed one time of $26.50/Ton, Gary
Hemmesch of Hemmesch Excavating presented a bid for Class 2 at $25.00/Ton. Discussion was held, Dan Stommes
made a motion to accept the bid from Hemmesch Excavating for Class 2 at $25/Ton, Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in
favor, motion carried.
Trevor Lange of Lange Trenching presented a bid for Class 5, bladed one time of $16.70/Cubic Yard, Gary Hemmesch of
Hemmesch Excavating presented a bid for Class 5 of $14.00/Cubic Yard, Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a
motion to accept the bid from Hemmesch Excavating of Class 5 at $14.00/Cubic Yard, Jason Willenbring seconded it, all
in favor, motion carried.
Trevor Lange of Lange Trenching presented a bid to blade township roads at $60.00/mile. Gary Hemmesch of
Hemmesch Excavating presented a bid to blade township roads at $57.00/mile. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring
made a motion to accept the bid from Hemmesch Excavating to blade the township roads at $57.00/mile. All in favor,
motion carried.
Duane Janssen was present to request approval of a liquor license for Trappers Pub and Grub, Discussion was held, Dan
Stommes made a motion to approve the liquor license for Trappers Pub and Grub. Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in
favor, motion carried.
Up coming events: April 16, 2023 Board of Equalization meeting with road tour to follow
April 18, 2023 Annual township officers meeting in Freeport at 7:00pm
April 22,2023 Township officers short course in St. Cloud
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7297 Lange Trenching Class 2 and blading 423.00
7298 United State Treasury 1 st Quarter Payroll tax 469.72
7299 Stearns County Auditor Truth in taxation charge 153.00
7300 Sunnybrook Enterprise March guarantee/plow snow 5750.00
7301 MN Association Townships Dues 656.80
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill 57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
Total $ 7589.32
Year-to-date Total $ 64,143.61
At 9: pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
March 5, 2024
Minutes 3-5-24
The March Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Jason Willenbring at 8:05 pm. The
flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present was Dewey Klaphake.
The February minutes were read. Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Ben Mergen seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $617,818.77in the checking, Money Market and one CD, and
$1,237144.26 in tarring fund CD’s for a total balance of $1,854,963.03.
Hildebrandt Trucking is requesting permission to drive on gravel roads during road restrictions. Discussion was held.
Dan Stommes made a motion to approve the request for Hildebrandt Trucking to drive on gravel road during road
restrictions. Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Ben Mergen gave a report from the St. Martin Fire Department, they will be getting a louder siren, they got a FEMA
grant for air tanks, but the price of the air tanks went up, so they will need to get more funding for the air tanks being
that the grant needs to be spent on what the funds were requested for.
There are some road signs missing on Kranz Lake Circle, these will be followed up with the road tour and new signs
April meeting we will accepting bids for gravel, road blading, and ditch mowing.
Jason Willenbring had been approached by someone to see if the township can accept donations for putting some
gravel at the boat landing on Clear Lake. He did some research and was able to find out that the township can accept
donations for this project.
Cleaning up township road ditches, Can the township put up signs as name recognition for the individuals who do this?
Discussion was held, nothing further was decided.
Jason Willenbring gave a report from Chain of Lakes Fire Department they are looking into buying two storage
containers and putting them together to build “practice fires” in. They will be putting them on leased land. If this works
for them, they will look at letting other departments use them as well.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid.
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill 57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
7284 Adam Brix Treasurer Wages 554.10
7285 Dewey Klaphake Plan & Zone Admin 69.26
7286 Dan Stommes Supervisor Wages 369.40
7287 Ben MJergen Supervisor Wages 369.40
7288 Jason Willenbring Supervisor Wages 554.10
7289 Star Publication Legal Notice 164.34
7290 M-R Signs 911 sign 46.68
7291 Munson Township Tar 260 th 9400.00
7292 Sunnybrook Enterprises Snow Plow/guarantee 2100.00
7293 Linda Theisen Computer/supplies 156.90
7294 Linda Theisen Clerk Wages 918.88
7295 VOID
7296 City of Albany Fire Protection 20146.00
TOTAL $34,985.86
YEAR TO DATE $56554.29
At 9:25pm Ben Mergen made a motion to adjourn, Jason Willenbring, seconded it, all in favor, motion carried