The May Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag
pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Sandy Klocker, Ron Statz, Marlene
Statz, Tom Winkels, Randy Klocker,Charlie Buermann, Randy Backes Charlie Gerkten, Dewey Klaphake and Brian Ruben
The April minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded.
All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $582,035.19 in the checking, money market and one CD and
$1,237,144.26 in Tarring Fund CD’s with a total of $1,819,178.45. Discussion was held regarding the renewal of one of
the tarring fund CD’s which matures May 10 th . Dan Stommes made a motion to renew this CD for 9 months with an
interest rate of 5%, Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Dust Control, Dan Stommes got an estimate from Central MN Dust Control, of 73cents/foot for a width of 18 feet wide.
Discussion was held, Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the bid from Central MN Dust Control of 73cents per
foot and a width of 18 th feet wide. Dan Stommes seconded it, all in favor, motion carried. This will be coordinated with
Gary Hemmesch when he blades the roads.
Regarding the matter of the township going back to in person voting. Much discussion was held. A big part of bringing
back in person voting is the matter of getting enough election judges, two people turned in a application to be an
election judge and one person had contacted the clerk after the annual meeting expressing an interest in being an
election judge. More election judges would be needed. There is also the matter of getting a deputy clerk to coordinate
the elections and a least one more head judge is needed. As of this date, the dates for the election judge training are not
Ron and Marlene Statz were present to discuss the issue of a culvert on 290 th Ave, they are unable to get a manure hose
thru the culvert to pump manure to the other side of the road. Discussion was held, Ben Mergen will check with legal
council as to who would be liable if the manure pumper would place the hose across the road and put steel grating over
the hose for traffic to drive across. The board will take a look at the culvert with a camera and possibly get it jetted out.
The Statz’s would like some sort of action done by August.
Spraying the weeds in the township road ditches, discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to hire Paynesville
Cenex to spray the weeds again this year, and spending about the seven thousand dollars as was done last year. Jason
Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried. Ben Mergen will coordinate with Paynesville Cenex.
Regarding the street light that was taken out by the construction company last year during road construction. There
have been several inquires wondering when it will be replaced. A meeting will be set up between Stearns Electric, the
town board, The Roush’s and the Zierden’s to see what will be the best way to get the light replaced.
Brian Ruben from the Farming Sportsman Club was present to discuss if the Sportsman Club went a head and put in new
pillings for a carp trap on Clear Lake would the township be able to pay this bill? The cost to do this would be about
$3000.00 Discussion was held, the Richmond American Legion had given the township a donation of $3000.00, which
was to be used for improvements on Clear Lake, the board told Brian that the township had all ready got the donation to
go ahead and get the work done and get the bill to the township.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7302 Stearns County Election Charge Back $186.59
7303 Victor Kotten Electi Judge/Meeting Mod $220.00
7304 Hemmesch Excavating Blading $3416.20
7305 Star Publications Legal Notice/Board Equal $45.65
7306 Anne Smith-Bleichner Election Judge $150.00
7307 Stearns County Auditor Boardband Pledge $40,000.00
7308 MN Assoc Township 3 Short Course registr $225.00
7309 Chain of Lakes Fires Fire Protection $1758.21
7310 M-R Signs Road sign/posts $193.92
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 46,332.37
Year-to-date Total $ 110,475.98
At 10:06 pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion