The Annual Meeting in the Town of Farming, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota was held in the Farming Community Center on the 10th day of March, 2020. It was called to order by Clerk Judy Bruemmer at 8:30 pm. The flag pledge was said.
Judy Bruemmer asked for nominations from the floor for moderator. Duane Janssen nominated Dewey Klaphake, Ron Backes seconded. Dewey accepted the nomination. Judy Bruemmer asked if there were any other nominations. Dewey Klaphake nominated Victor Kotten, Dan Stommes seconded. Victor Kotten accepted the nomination. Duane Janssen made a motion to close nominations, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried. A vote by show of hands was held. Dewey Klaphake was declared the moderator.
The minutes of the 2019 Annual Meeting were read by Clerk Judy Bruemmer. Victor Kotten made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Duane Janssen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Ron Backes made a motion to accept the report as presented, Jack Wimmer seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Ron Backes made a motion to continue with Trapper’s Pub and Grub, Immanuel Lutheran Church, the Farming Community Center and the Township Website as posting places, Roger Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen made a motion to have the Albany Enterprise as the official newspaper, Randy Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
John Blenker made a motion to have the polling times for the Township Election from 2 pm to 8 pm in the Farming Community Center Board Room, Dave Linz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Tom Buerman made a motion that the next Annual Meeting be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 8:30 pm in the Farming Community Center, Tony Legatt seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen made a motion to hold the monthly Board Meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 8 pm, Tom Buerman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Dale Lange made a motion to have the Board hire a ditch cutter twice a year, Wally Buerman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Board of Canvass was held immediately following the Township Election. The Results were: For Supervisor – Dan Stommes received 24 votes, there were no other votes. Dan Stommes was declared the winner. For Clerk – Judy Bruemmer received 24 votes, there were no other votes. Judy Bruemmer was declared the winner. A total of 24 voters voted in the Township Election.
Ron Backes made a motion to destroy the 2018 ballots, Randy Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The proposed General Fund Levy of $91,000 and the proposed Road and Bridge Levy of $119,500 was presented. The total of $210,500 was the same as the last year. Discussion was held. Ron Backes made a motion to set the Total Levy at $210,500, Dale Lange seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
The Tarring Fund Levy came up for discussion. After a question and answer session concerning project plans, maintenance, etc. Ron Backes made a motion to set the Tarring Fund Levy at $100,000, Randy Backes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Officer Eric Popp from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department gave a report on calls and happenings in Farming Township. Twenty-one calls were received in December 2019 and twenty in January 2020. He also explained the different services they offer.
Firefighter Adam Braegelmann was present with a report from the Chain of Lakes Fire and Rescue District. The department has 22 members and is 9 years old. They had 93 calls in 2019. One change with the department was that they will begin to pay the members for meetings and trainings. He also explained some of their fundraising efforts.
New Business – As the Board had decided in 2019 to have Farming Township be a Mail Ballot Precinct for Statewide Elections, the Board presented the option to also incorporate the Township Election with the Statewide Elections. That would mean the Township Elections would be held every other November as a Mail Ballot election – on the same ballot as the Statewide election. Because of this, the terms of the Board members would have to be changed to 4 years instead of the 3 years for Supervisors and 2 years for the Clerk and Treasurer. It was explained that the Board could vote to make the Statewide Elections into Mail Ballot elections. However to change the Township Election, the option would have to be presented as a ballot question on the next Township Election and voted on by the eligible voters in the Township. After a lengthy discussion, Ron Backes made a motion to present the question on the 2021 Township Election ballot and, should it pass, change the terms of office for the Board members to 4 years, Dale Lange seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
It was noted that the Annual Township Meeting would still be held every year on the second Tuesday in March, as required by law.
At 9:50 pm, Ron Backes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Tony Legatt seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Cookies, milk and water were served following the meeting.
Minutes taken by Judy Bruemmer, Farming Township Clerk