The November monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm in the FCC Board Room. The flag pledge was said. Present were Dan Stommes, Jason Willenbring, Judy Bruemmer and Duane Janssen. Dave Robertson was absent due to self-quarantine. Also present was Dale Lange.
The meeting was held using social distancing and following Covid-19 recommendations.
The October minutes were read. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Dan Stommes seconded. Motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $373,350.86 in the checking account.
RE: Snow Quote – Only one quote was received for snowplowing. Sunny Brook Enterprises gave a quote for snow removal and sanding at $110/hr, salt and sand at $90/yd (unless shortage causes a rise in prices), a $5/hr surcharge if diesel goes above $4/gal and an additional guarantee of $700/month for the months of December, January, February and March. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the quote, Dan Stommes seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that Lange Trenching was not interested in giving a quote.
CARES Funding – Discussion was held concerning the CARES funding in the amount of $25,575.00. It was decided to give funds to our fire protection providers, the community center and to purchase PPE equipment for the meeting room.
RE: Road and Culvert Issues – Discussion was held with Lange Trenching concerning the issues and their progress.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6938 Lange Trenching repair 10,124.38/blading 3,129.95 $ 13,254.33
6939 Star Publications newspaper ads 20.00
6940 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 65.08
6941 M-R Sign Co. 911 sign 36.02
6942 Judy Bruemmer CARES purchases reimbursed 87.29
6943 Albany Fire Dept. CARES/radios and accessories 10,348.92
6944 St. Martin Fire Dept. CARES/chest compressor and accessories 5,585.84
6945 COL Fire & Rescue CARES/Covis equipment and services 6,552.95
6946 Farming Comm. Ctr. CARES/Covid supplies, cleaning, sanitizing 3,000.00
Total $ 38,950.43
Year-to-date Total $ 378,012.09
At 9:00 pm Jason Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dan Stommes seconded. Motion carried.