The October Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Travis Rahn, Bryan Rubin, Joe Dockendorf, Marlene and Ron Statz, and Cooper Brinkman
The September minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $618,832.77 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,910,197.03.
Travis Rahn was present with some questions regarding, putting in a driveway and building on property that he purchased. Discussion was held. After he hears back from the county, he will need to get in touch with Dewey Klaphake regarding what his next steps are to gets his permits.
Ron and Marlene Statz were present to discuss the culvert on 290th. The culvert is level and has some sharp edges on that would hamper running a manure hose thru to pump manure to the other side of the road. Discussion was held. The Statz’s will meet with Gary Hemmesch to discuss options to fix.
Stearns Electric sent a proposed ordinance that the board reviewed that would allow Stearns Electric to fix, maintain and put in new service to any member in Farming Township. The board reviewed and had some changes that they would like to see in the proposed ordinance. Clerk Linda Theisen will be in contact with Stearns Electric regarding these corrections.
There is a wash out in a field on Fifth Lake Road that needs to be fixed. Jason Hamann will take care of getting that taken care of after the crops are harvested.
Bryan Rubin and Joe Dockendorf reported that they have started on the repair of the carp trap on Clear Lake and will continue to work on as time permits.
Dan Stommes gave a report on the 5th Monday Meeting of Albany Area Schools that was held at the new ECFE building, a tour was provided to those attending. Most of the work is done on the building, with some small items that need to be completed yet. The cost of the building came in under budget. The school was able to replace some of the lighting in existing buildings with new LED lights, the cost of these lights was paid for with grants and rebates.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7347 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2/blading $4646.85
7348 United States Treasury 3rd Quarter Payroll tax $537.04
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
Total $ 5320.69
Year-to-date Total $ 239,195.68
At 9:00pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.