The September Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Ben Mergen at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Gary Hemmesch, Tom Winkels, Rich & Carol Rothstein, Jere Pohlman and Caden Mueller for the Stearns County Sheriffs Department
The August minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read after a correction of adding that Dan Stommes seconded the motion to allow Stearns Electric to go ahead and fix a broken line on 2606th Street. Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a treasures report with $656,446.04 in checking, money market and one CD. and $1,291,364.26 in tarring fund CD’s, for a total of $1,947,810.30.
Officer Mueller gave a report for activity in Farming Township for May, June and July. In May there were 12 calls, June there were 15 calls and in July there were 23 calls. The town board brought to the attention of Officer Mueller that there were complaints of garbage being dumped along Clear Lake Road and there were signs stolen along Clear Lake Road. He will make note of it and see if more patrolling can be done on that road.
Rich and Carol Rothstein were present to discuss the finding from the County with having more than one house number on a driveway. The County is OK with having three house numbers on the one driveway, but suggested that a house number be put at the point on the driveway that shows what house number goes to which house.
Election Judge update, there are still a few people who completed the training, but have no turned in a slip to request payment for that training.
Weed spraying should be done.
Road upkeep on 223rd the culvert by Lloyd Jewell is under water and is on hold for now.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7331 Adam Brix Treasurer wages $461.75
7332 Dan Stommes Supervisor wages $461.75
7333 Dan Stommes Mileage reimb $69.68
7334 Jason Willenbring Supervisor wages $554.10
7335 Ben Mergen Supervisor wages $369.40
7336 Linda Theisen Clerk wages $1394.48
7337 Linda Theisen Ink/mileage/comp time $210.42
7338 Victor Kotten Elect Judge Train/mileage $148.14
7339 Marcus Lemke Election Judge training $20.00
7340 Pville Cenex Spray road ditches $5558.58
7341 Matt Schmitz Cut Road ditches $3981.00
7342 Dave Robertson Election Judge Training $70.00
7343 Jamie Schmitz Election Judge Training $40.00
7344 Hemmesch Excavating Class 2/blading $13769.85
7345 City of St. Martin Fire Protection $7856.04
7346 Lea Langley Election Judge Training $40.00
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $57.85
Total $ 35,141.99
Year-to-date Total $ 233,874.99
At 9:00pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.