Board of Equalization and Review and
Road Tour 4.8.14
Bd. of Equalization and Review 4.8.14
Dan Stommes called the meeting to order at 10:30 am. The flag pledge was said. Present were Dan Stommes, Neil Franz, Vernon Willenbring, Judy Bruemmer and Mark Koehn and Gary Grossinger from the Stearns County Assessors Office.
Only one request for review was received by the Assessor’s Office:
Mark Schultzenberg requested adjustment on 10.06265.0000 because of lowland area and on 10.06252 because there is no building entitlement on that property. The Assessor’s Office recommended the property values be lowered on the first parcel from $158,500 to $155,800 and on the second parcel from $44,300 to $16,500. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to lower the values as recommended by the Assessor’s Office, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
A brief discussion was held on how the CAPX 2020 power line would affect taxes and the current values of agricultural land.
At 11:05 am, Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Road Tour 4.8.14
Dan Stommes called the March extended meeting to order at 11:15 am. Present were Dan Stommes, Neil Franz, Vernon Willenbring and Judy Bruemmer.
Road Tour was taken with Supervisors inspecting all roads in Farming Township. Results of the Road Tour are on file in the Clerk’s Office.
At 2:09 pm Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.