Official Minutes 4.1.14
The April monthly meeting was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Paul Killmer, Pat Zimmerman, Robert Massmann, Norb Jost, Lou Ann Jost, Ron Backes, Jamie Kurtz, Dave Robertson, Brian Brix, Dean Rausch, Jerry Rausch, Fred Holthaus, Tony Legatt, Math Schmitz, Donald Linz, Jack Wimmer, Ron Kalthoff and Todd Barrow.
The March minutes were read. One correction was made: the check # for MATIT insurance should be 6189. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried. A financial report was given by Duane Janssen.
RE: Trapper’s Pub & Grub – An application for a liquor license for Trapper’s Pub & Grub was presented to the board. Discussion was held. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to approve and sign the application, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Tar Roads – A lengthy discussion was held concerning the tarring of roads, the road resolution, and which roads were scheduled to be tarred. The board stated that no road has been designated next to be tarred as there were insufficient funds for tarring at the present time and that the road resolution may need to be revisited. The list of roads to be tarred is just a list of those under consideration.
RE: Road Washout – Norb Jost stated that water was washing across the road on the east end of 280th Street. The supervisors will check it out and repair it if necessary.
RE: Crackfilling – Neil Franz gave a report on information he had regarding crackfilling and reviewed a quote received from D & J Blacktopping. Discussion was held. It was decided to discuss the project again in July and possibly get quotes for August, with intentions of doing the crackfilling in the fall.
RE: Gravel Quotes – It was decided to contact contractors and open gravel quotes at the May meeting. The clerk with put a notice on the website for quotes.
RE: Road Tour – It was decided to extend the April meeting to April 8, 2014 following the Board of Equalization Meeting in order to do road tour, weather permitting.
RE: Blading Quotes – Supervisors will ask contractors for blading quotes and they will be opened at the May meeting.
RE: Dustcoating – Dustcoating quotes will be opened at the May meeting.
RE: Zoning – Zoning Board stated that as a result of the Special Meeting that they voted 3 to 2 to recommend changing the set-back amount to comply with the county set-back amount for R-1 areas. The board decided to discuss the matter further at the May board meeting.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6191 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $ 64.93
6192 Sunny Brook Ent. Inc. snowplowing 4702.50
6193 Mary Lou Salzl election judge-accuracy testing 10.00
6194 Joyce Wimmer election judge 67.50
6195 Linda Theisen election judge 67.50
6196 Walter Graham election judge 67.50
6197 Donald Linz zoning bd meeting 35.00
6198 Matt Schmitz zoning bd meeting 35.00
6199 Ron Kalthoff zoning bd meeting 35.00
6200 Dewey Klaphake moderator fee-annual meeting 50.00
Total $ 5,134.93
Year-to-date Total $ 63,713.99
At 9:25 pm, Neil Franz made a motion to extend the meeting to Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at approximately 11:00 am – following the Board of Equalization Meeting in order to conduct the Road Tour, weather permitting, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.