Farming Township
Official Minutes 5.1.12
The May monthly meeting was called to order by Vernon Willenbring at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Math Schmitz, Dale Lange, Bill Otto and Fred Holthaus.
The April minutes were read. Two corrections were made to the Special Meeting minutes: the cost of material from Scepaniak, Inc was “$5” c/yd and the minutes were taken by Vernon Willenbring. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the April minutes with the correction, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Blading – Discussion was held with Dale Lange regarding blading issues.
RE: Ditch Cutting – Discussion was held concerning ditch cutting. Math Schmitz presented a quote. Dan Stommes made a motion to hire Schmitz to cut ditches for his quote of $60/hr plus fuel for 70 hp tractor, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Clear Lake Road Repairs – It was reported that the Clear Lake Road repairs are finished.
RE: 317th/Marshfield – Discussion was held. The roads will be covered with RAP again. A speed limit sign will be put up going into the housing area.
RE: Records Retention – Discussion was held. A resolution adopting the Minnesota Townships Record Retention Schedule is needed to be able to archive important records and to be able to destroy unimportant records. Neil Franz made a motion to adopt the Resolution adopting the MN Townships General Records Retention Schedule, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Dustcoating – Dustcoating will be done on various roads in the township again this year. A notice will be put on the website for landowners to contact Neil Franz if they want dustcoating along their property.
RE: Manana Road – Discussion was held concerning information received from MN Engineering regarding resurfacing the road. It was decided to do more checking into road condition, etc. and discuss it further at the June meeting.
RE: Non-Intoxicating Liquor License – A request for approval from the township for a Non-Intoxicating Liquor License for GoatRopers Bar & Grill was received. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to sign the request, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Culvert on Clear Lake Road – Charles Reichert arrived toward the end of the meeting to inform the Board of problems with a culvert on Clear Lake Road. This will be checked into and taken care of.
RE: Zoning – Bill Otto gave a short report on zoning issues.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
5951 Albany Post Office stamps $ 45.00
5952 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
5953 COL Fire District Qtr 2 fire protection 1153.48
5934 Lange Trenching blading 6370.12
5955 Fred Holthaus road discing 783.00
Total $ 8,416.53
Year-to-date Total $ 58,265.58
At 9:35 pm, Neil Franz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.