Farming Township Official Minutes – Special Meeting 4.19.12
Vernon Willenbring called the Special Meeting to order at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. Present were Vernon Willenbring, Neil Franz, Dan Stommes, Duane Janssen and Jerome Rausch.
Discussion was held concerning Clear Lake Road repair. Dan Stommes made a motion to hire Scepaniak, Inc to fill in Clear Lake Road to the north of the lake about 1000 feet for $5/cyd plus fabric, Neil Franz seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion was held concerning 317th Street and Marshfield Circle. Dan Stommes made a motion to put on RAP material, Neil Franz seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Neil Franz at 8:40 pm, Dan Stommes seconded. Motion carried.
Minutes taken by Vernon Willenbring.