1. Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Farming Township, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota that the Annual Township Election will be held on Tuesday March 12,2024 in the Township Board Room in the Farming Community Center 23801 County Road 42, Richmond, MN 56368. (Town of Farming) Polls will be open from 2pm to 8:00pm to elect on Supervisor for a term of 3 years and one clerk for a term of 2 years.
2. The Board of Canvass will be held immediately following the election.
3. The Annual Town Meeting will be held at approximately at 8:30pm at the same address following the Election and the Board of Canvass to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law.
4. In case of inclement weather, the Election and the Annual meeting will be postponed until the third Tuesday March 19, 2024. If inclement weather also postpones the election and meeting on the third Tuesday, they will be held on the fourth Tuesday March 26, 2024. Listen to KASM radio for any postponements.
5. Absentee voting can be done at the Clerks residence at 26855 County Road 23, Richmond, MN 56368 from 10am to 12 pm on Saturday March 9, 2024. For more information voters may call or text 320-249-3710 or email at
6. A Public Accuracy test of the voting equipment will be held on Monday March 4, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Board Room of the Farming Community Center. This testing is open to the public.
Linda Theisen
Farming Township Clerk