The June Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:05pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present was Dale Lange. The meeting was held using social distancing and Covid 19 recommendations.
The May minutes were read. Corrections: Change the $55/hour to $55/mile. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, with corrections, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $492,477.11 in the checking account.
RE: Linda gave a brief review of the clerk training she attended, and brought up a few changes they suggested, the board said not to make changes and continue as in the past,
RE: Weed inspection, discussion was held. Each of the supervisors will take a section of the township to check for noxious weeds, if there are some, they will contact the land owner about getting rid of the weeds.
RE: Clear Lake Road, by the public access, the culvert is lifting, discussion was held. Dale Lange will look into it closer as what needs to be done.
RE: The frost boil on the hill of 223rd ave by Tom Holthaus discussion was held, and the supervisors and Dale will look into it closer
RE: Hydro Patching Dan will follow up with them.
The following bills need to be sent out Tom Dobmeier for 911 road sign $60
Taylor Allen and Edward Weispfenning for 911 road sign $60
Pilgrims Pride made a request to haul agriculture products over 80,000 pounds up to 97,000 pounds on 275th st and 260th st. Ben Mergen made a motion to grant Pilgrims Pride permission, to haul agriculture products over 80,000 pounds up to 97,000 pounds Dan Stommes seconded, Jason Willenbring abstained from voting on the motion, 2 votes in favor, motion passed.
Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement Jason Willenbring made a motion to continue the The Minnesota joint Powers Agreement, Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor motion carried
The Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement is an agreement with the department of public safety, Bureau of criminal Apprehension, State of Minnesota and Stearns County allowing the township to get some of the money that is collected from fines.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7118 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $ 65.08 7100 Arvig Monthly Bill $148.49
7101 Jason Willenbring Mileage $ 104.40 7102 Ben Mergen Supervisor wages $623.36
7103 Linda Theisen Clerk Wages $ 1201.01 7104 Dan Stommes Supervisor wages $1207.94
7105 Judy Bruemmer Clerk wages $ 188.40 7106 Ben Mergen Mileage $13.34
7107 Duane Janssen Treasurer wages $ 761.89 7108 VOID
7109 Dewey Klaphake Zoning Board wages $ 205.02 7110 Dewey Klaphake reimb expenses $507.86
7111 Stearns Co Auditor Accessing fees $ 7237.25 7112 General Rental rent Chipper $203.54
7113 Dave Robertson Supervisor wages $ 69.26 7114 Victor Kotten Election Judge $127.50
7115 Jason Willenbring Supervisor wages $ 795.13 7116 Judy Bruemmer Reimburse expense $79.98
7117 Judy Bruemmer Election Judge $ 112.50 7119 Linda Theisen Mileage $105.42
7120 Joyce Wimmer Election Judge $ 120.00 7121 Lange Trenching Class 2 and Blading $ 7829.68
7122 Dan Stommes Mileage $ 162.30
Total $ 21,869.35
Year-to-date Total $ 81,388.36
At 9:20 pm Jason Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.