The June monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm in the Farming Community Center. The flag pledge was said.
All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake, Ken Schmitz, Dale Lange, Officer Dennis Kern, and Butch Gertken from Munson Township.
The meeting was held using social distancing according to COVID-19 recommendations.
The May minutes were read. One correction was made – the Class 2 quote was per ton, not cubic yard. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $357,903.34 in the checking account.
RE: Ken Schmitz – Ken Schmitz was present with a property line issue. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to acknowledge that Schmitz would be making a .17 acre property line adjustment and that Farming Township had no issue with the adjustment, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Stearns County Sheriff Department – Officer Kern was present to update the Board on happenings in the Township in April and May – 19 calls each month, no major issues and no COVID-19 complaints. He stated that if someone had a COVID-19 complaint they check into it and tell the residents that they are not following the guidelines.
RE: Munson Township – Butch Gertken was present from the Munson Township Board to discuss 260th West Street. The tar is in need of repair. Munson Township is interested in making it a 9 ton road as vehicles and farm equipment are getting larger and heavier. Discussion was held concerning the repair and what steps were necessary concerning the river bridge. The Farming Township Board agreed with the plan and to have Munson check things out and get back to Farming Township.
RE: Dustcoating – The Board went over the dustcoating plans for the Township and Dave Robertson will coordinate with the contractor and Lange Trenching.
Official Minutes 6.2.2020 Page 2
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6898 Dewey Klaphake zoning adm. wages $ 279.36
6899 Dan Stommes supervisor wages 415.57
6900 Dave Robertson supervisor wages 415.57
6901 Jason Willenbring supervisor wages 415.57
6902 Dave Robertson reimb. mileage 21.46
6903 Duane Janssen treasurer wages 526.39
6904 Dewey Klaphake reimb. permits/website 1,296.09
6905 Judy Bruemmer clerk wages 845.00
6906 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 65.08
6907 COL Fire & Rescue Dist. Qtr 1 and Qtr 2 fire protection 2,502.84
6908 Judy Bruemmer reimb. supplies/mileage 201.05
6909 Stearns Cty. Aud/Treas. assessment fee 7,160.00
6910 Lange Trenching Class 2/Class 5 66,075.60
Total $ 80,219.58
Year-to-date Total $ 137,168.97
At 9:40 pm, Dave Robertson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.