The January monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dave Robertson at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. No other people were present.
The December minutes were read. Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a year-end financial report with a checking account balance of $387,216.21 with $340.58 in outstanding checks for the year.
RE: 307th Street – Dan Stommes and Dave Robertson reported that putting up a sign for 307th Street would not make the Township responsible for the road per their inquiries with the County Commissioner and the Township Association lawyer. Jason Willenbring made a motion to install the sign, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried. The Clerk will order the sign and it will be put up as soon as weather permits.
RE: Board of Audit and Budget Meeting – Discussion was held. The meetings will be held on the same evening as the February monthly board meeting.
RE: COL Budget Meeting Update – Jason Willenbring gave a report on the Fire District. All is going well. No major changes in billing for the Township.
RE: Board of Equalization – Supervisors were reminded about getting certified for the Board of Equalization.
RE: Election – The Clerk reminded Board that filing time ends January 15th. Judges are being contacted.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6756 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $ 65.08
6757 Sunny Brook Ent. Inc. snowplowing 4,585.00
6758 Midwest Asphalt LLC crackfilling/patch 15,600.00
6759 Collegeville Township Kriegle Lake Road repair 15,000.00
6760 Stearns County Aud. Treas. elelction equipment rental 1,500.00
6761 Star Publications newspaper ads 47.58
6762 Wakefield Township COL debt 5,834.84
6763 Stearns Cty Assn of Twp county/state dues 1,086.72
6764 US Treasury medicare/social security 420.18
Total $ 44,139.40
Year-to-date Total $ 44,139.40
At 9:00 pm, Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.