The November monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dave Robertson at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake, Dale Lange and John Blenker.
The October minutes were read. Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $351,197.89 in checking.
RE: Tarring Fund CDs – Duane Janssen reported that several CDs were coming due in December. He asked if the Board wanted to combine the CDs in order to receive more interest. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to combine the CDs, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Snowplowing Quotes – Only one quote was received by phone call – from Sunny Brook Enterprises Inc. He stated that the prices and guarantees would be the same as last year. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the quote from Sunny Brook Enterprises, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried. (Last year’s quote was for $110/hr, $90/yd for salt and sand, $5/hr increase if fuel over $4/gal, and guarantee for $700 for the months of December, January, February and March)
RE: Crackfilling – Dan Stommes reported that some crackfilling was finished but that the rainy weather has caused problems. He will contact the contractor to check on the progress.
Fifth Lake Road Culvert – Dale Lange reported that the culvert has been repaired.
Kriegle Lake Road – It was reported that the inspection is finished and Collegeville Township will be sending an invoice for Farming Townships share.
RE: District Township Meeting – Dave Robertson attended the meeting and gave a short report.
RE: Albany School Board Meeting – Dan Stommes attended the meeting and gave a short report.
RE: General Election – Judy Bruemmer stated that all went well at the election. 405 voters voted in the precinct and 28 voters voted absentee ballots.
RE: Zoning – Dewey Klaphake gave a short report.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6730 Diane Brinkman election judge $ 87.50
6731 Linda Theisen election judge 96.88
6732 Albany Post Office stamps 49.00
6733 Grace Orbeck election judge 90.63
6734 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 65.08
6735 Joyce Wimmer election judge 181.16
6736 Mary Lou Salzl election judge 103.13
6737 Jack Wimmer election judge 87.50
6738 Victor Kotten election judge 96.88
6739 Lange Trenching road rpr 3175/blading 3892.24 7,067.24
6740 Star Publications newspaper ads 32.94
6741 COL Fire & Rescue Dist. Qtr 4 2018 fire protection 1,156.02
Total $ 9,162.96
Year-to date Total $ 350,382.91
At 9:05 pm, Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.