The November monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake, Dale Lange, and Karen and Max Reinke.
The October minutes were read. Two corrections were made. First: regarding the culvert on 218th Ave – should have read that the field approach culvert needed to be replaced with a larger one to handle water. Second: regarding the Dean Rausch driveway culvert – that they wanted to have the culvert widened and others in the township had widened their culverts on their own. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes with the corrections, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with a checking account balance of $267,661.40.
RE: Reinke Complaint – Karen Reinke stated that noise from the Harrum vehicles across the road from them is causing problems. She stated that they have tried several different avenues to remedy the situation with no results. They have had no cooperation from the Harrums. Reinke asked that the Township set up a noise ordinance since the County does not have one. Discussion was held. Supervisors stated that they could not just set up a noise ordinance for them. A noise ordinance would have to apply to all residents in the Township. Supervisors offered to talk to Harrum and see if they could help resolve the issues.
RE: Snow Plow Quotes – Only one quote was received. Sunny Brook Enterprises submitted a quote of $100/hr for plow, $85/yd for sand/salt (noting that price could change if availability changed), $5/hr surcharge if diesel was above $4/gal, and a $700 guarantee for December, January, February and March. Lange Trenching stated they were not interested in snowplowing. Discussion was held. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the quote from Sunny Brook Enterprises, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Tower on 260th East – A request was received for the Board to approve an application to make improvements to the tower. Discussion was held. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to approve the application, Davae Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Chairman Dan Stommes signed the application.
RE: Township Board Room Rent – The Board received a notice that the annual rent for the Board Room would now be $2195.00 – a raise of $200. Discussion was held. The Board decided to accept the raise. The Clerk was asked to notify the Farming Community Center Board and to ask that they keep the Board informed of any issues concerning the Community Center.
RE: District Township Meeting – Supervisors reported on the meeting held in Freeport on October 27, 2016. They stated that solar energy and consolidation of equalization meetings were items of interest.
RE: Clear Lake Road – Report was received of damage to a ditch along Clear Lake Road. This will be checked into.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6503 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $64.93
6504 Lange Trenching culvert rpr 3552.04/blading 1655.50 $5207.54
Stearns Bank charge for check blanks 100.76
Total $5,373.23
Year-to-date Total $237,190.09
At 9:05 pm, Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.