Official Minutes 7.7.15
The July monthly meeting was called to order by Neil Franz at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dale Lange, Brian Brix, Dave Robertson, Joe Thelen and Todd Barrow.
The June minutes were read. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report stating the checking account balance was $356,664.02.
RE: Dustcoating – Neil Franz reported that dustcoating was finished.
RE: Manana Road Approach – Vernon Willenbring reported that it is still in progress.
RE: 288th Street East – Brian Brix stated that the road was not in good shape and very slimy after rain. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes and Dale Lange will check it out to see what can be done to improve the situation.
RE: Marshfield Circle – Joe Thelen stated that the recent rains had deposited unwanted ground on their property – this seems to be a recurring problem. He also had pictures of the property. Discussion was held. The supervisors will check and see what can be done to solve the problem.
RE: Weed Inspection – Supervisors reported that weed inspection is in progress.
RE: Township Road Study – Discussion was held concerning a draft presented by Neil Franz concerning a new policy regarding the tarring of Township roads. Discussion was held. A public hearing would need to be held in order to adopt the new policy. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 8:30 pm for the purpose of considering a new policy to amend or repeal the June 2008 policy concerning paving of Township roads, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried. The Public Hearing will be published and posted.
RE: Brush Spraying – Discussion was held concerning spraying of brush along Township roads. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to hire someone to spray the brush with a cap of $4000, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Albany Fire Dept – Neil Franz will attend the Fire Department meeting on July 16, 2015.
RE: Sabrowsky – It was noted that gravel was needed to fill a hole on Mapleview along the Sabrowsky property.
RE: Township Summer Course – Vernon Willenbring reported that he attended the Summer Course and took the Board of Equalization Certification class.
RE: Albany School District Referendum – It was noted that the voting will be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 from 7 am to 8 pm in the Albany Junior/Senior High Building. Dan Stommes reported that the school board stated that the one voting sight was in order to reduce costs of election.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6353 Lange Trenching blading/rd rpr/granite $ 27795.78
6354 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
6355 US Treasury social security/medicare 593.64
6356 Appolis Inc website hosting/support 600.00
6357 Void
6358 Munson Township tar rpr on 260th West 7019.30
6359 Pat Schmitz road ditch cutting 1216.00
6360 Stearns Cty Aud/Treas assessing fees 6822.75
6361 Central MN Dust Control dustcoating 24039.20
6362 CentraSota-St. Martin grass mix along Hedgewood 110.00
6363 Stearns Bank tarring fund CD 50000.00
Total $ 118,261.60
Year-to Date Total $ 196,330.43
At 9:33 pm Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.