Official Minutes 3.3.15
The March monthly meeting was called to order by Neil Franz at 8:00 pm. Present were Neil Franz, Vernon Willenbring, Duane Janssen and Dewey Klaphake. Also present were Brian Brix and Dave Robertson. Dan Stommes arrived at 8:20 pm.
The February minutes were read. There was one correction: to have the last sentence RE: Mapleview Maintenance Account to read “that the Clerk was directed to include the account balance of $465.57 on the financial report for the annual meeting”. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read with the correction, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report, stating that the checking account balance was $240,325.94.
RE: St. Martin Fire Dept Meeting – Vernon Willenbring gave a short report on the meeting.
RE. Culvert on 317th – Supervisors stated that the culvert will be checked out once weather improves. It was noted that Road Tour will be done on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 after the Board of Equalization Meeting weather permitting.
RE: Election and Annual Meeting – The Clerk reported that all is ready. Judges have been contacted and reports are finished.
The Board was reminded that the Spring Township Workshop will be held in St. Cloud on Tuesday, March 24, 2015.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid.
6312 Judy Bruemmer reimb comp/post/mileage $ 94.75
6313 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
6314 COL Fire & Rescue District Qtr 1 fire protection 1224.26
6315 Neil Franz supervisor wages 332.46
6316 Vernon Willenbring supervisor wages 498.69
6317 M-R Sign Co. Inc. 911 sign 21.16
6318 Sunny Brook Ent. Inc. snowplowing 870.00
6319 Daniel Stommes supervisor wages 277.05
6320 Star Publications newspaper ads 103.50
6321 Wakefield Township COL costs/clerk pay 5311.75
6322 Judy Bruemmer clerk wages 637.21
6323 Stearns Cty. Aud/Treas. Election equip. maintenance 387.50
6324 Dewey Klaphake zoning administrator wages 96.97
6325 City of Albany fire protection/cap. equip. fund 16219.00
6326 Duane Janssen treasurer wages 484.84
Total $ 26,624.07
Year-to-date Total $ 44,295.07
Neil Franz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.