Board of Canvass Meeting 3.10.15
The Board of Canvass meeting was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:17 pm. Present were Dan Stommes, Neil Franz, Vernon Willenbring, Judy Bruemmer, Duane Janssen, Jack Wimmer and Mary Lou Salzl.
A total of 33 ballots were cast in the 2015 Farming Township Election.
For Supervisor for a three year term –
Vernon Willenbring received 32 votes
Norb Jost received one write-in vote
Dan Stommes made a motion to declare Vernon Willenbring the winner of the
Supervisor position, Neil Franz seconded. Motion carried.
For Treasurer for a two year term –
Duane Janssen received 33 votes
No other votes were cast
Neil Franz made a motion to declare Duane Janssen the winner of the Treasurer position, Dan Stommes seconded. Motion carried.
Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 pm, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.