Official Minutes 4.2.13
Official Minutes 4.2.13
The April monthly meeting was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Darice Stommes, Matt Schmitz, Jason Willenbring, Tony Legatt, Brian Brix, Dale Schroeder, Leo Bloch, Joe Dockendorf, Joe Braegelmann, Jerry Rausch, Mike Schleper and Dean Rausch.
The March minutes were read. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report.
RE: Crackfilling – Discussion was held concerning crackfilling and checking on materials and prices for next year. Supervisors will be watching area roads using different materials and checking with MN Engineering for their advice. Crackfilling on township roads is scheduled to be done next week (week of April 7).
RE: Ditch Cutting – Ditch Cutting quotes will be opened at the May monthly meeting. All quotes are to be hourly.
RE: Tony Legatt Complaint – Mr. Legatt had a complaint about a property owners building being too close to his property. Zoning Administrator Bill Otto stated that he will check into the matter. The board supervisors also stated that they will check on it during road tour.
RE: Manana Road West – Property owners along Manana Road West complained about the condition of their road and that they wanted dustcoating on the road paid for by the Township. Supervisors said they will check the road on Road Tour and discuss the dustcoating issue. It was also suggested that all gravel roads be dustcoated instead of tarring. The Supervisors stated that it would cost over $60,000 a year to do that. It was then suggested to use the tarring fund money for dustcoating. Supervisors stated that taking money out of the tarring fund for another use would have to be decided at the annual meeting.
RE: Blading Quotes – Blading quotes will be opened at the May meeting. Supervisors will be contacting blading contractors.
RE: Zoning Administrator Position – Supervisors asked Bill Otto to submit a letter of resignation so that they could name a new administrator. The Supervisors will contact those who have expressed an interest in the position and asked Bill Otto to also submit the name of anyone he thought would be a good replacement.
RE: Reorganization Minutes – Neil Franz made a motion to approve the Reorganization Minutes with the addition of three resolutions authorizing Supervisors to perform labor for the Township at the rate of $10/hr during the course of the coming year, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Road Tour – The April monthly meeting will be extended to April 9, 2013 in order to do the annual road tour.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6067 Joyce Wimmer election judge $ 70.00
6068 Walter Graham election judge 70.00
6069 Mary Lou Salzl election judge 80.00
6070 Bill Otto annual mtg moderator 50.00
6071 County Twp Assn spouses meal/annual mtg 30.00
6072 Stearns Cty Aud/Treas election equip. maintenance 387.50
6073 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
6074 US Treasury medicare/soc. security 313.66
6075 Star Publications newspaper ads 36.85
6076 MN Eng./Const. Services Manana Road 225.00
6077 City of St. Martin fire protection 4897.53
Total $ 6,225.47
Year-to-date Total $ 57,742.39
Neil Franz made a motion to extend the April meeting to Tuesday, April 9, 2013 following the Board of Equalization Meeting to take the annual road tour, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.