Farming Township – Official Minutes 10.4.11
The October monthly meeting was called to order by Vernon Willenbring at 8:00 p.m. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Duane Massmann, Leander Winkels, Craig Bardson, and Ben O’Malley from O’Malley & Boe Land Surveyors.
The September minutes were read. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Patti Legatt gave a financial report.
RE: Church Property Plat – Ben O’Malley from O’Malley & Boe presented a preliminary plat of St. Catherine Addition. Discussion was held. Neil Franz made a motion to approve the preliminary plat presented by O’Malley & Boe Land Surveyors, dated October 3, 2011, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Snow Removal Quotes – One quote for snow removal was received – Sunny Brook Enterprises Inc. The quote was for snow removal and sanding: Truck use: $95/hour, Grader use: $85/hour, Salt/sand: $85/yard, $5/hour surcharge if diesel price goes above $5/gallon, plus in addition to the normal charges, a guarantee of $500/month for the months of December, January, February, and March. Discussion was held. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the quote for snow removal for the 2011-2012 season from Sunny Brook Enterprises, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Mapleview Road South – Craig Bardson reported that the project was finished. Discussion was held. The final cost was $2127.00 under estimate.
RE: Statz Cartway – Vernon Willenbring stated that the upgrades on the Statz Cartway were being taken care of.
RE: Chain of Lakes Fire District – Vernon Willenbring reported that 18 people had finished the training testing. Others were still training. Vehicles, clothing and uniforms were being purchased.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
5898 Stearns County Aud/Treas truth-in-taxation charge $ 94.00
5899 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
5900 US Treasury medicare/social security 345.80
5901 Sunny Brook Ent. Inc. blading 639.00
5902 Craig Bardson Mapleview South proj/final pmt 14803.00
Total $ 15,946.73
Year-to-date Total $ 179,035.33
At 9:05 p.m. Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.