The December monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm in the FCC Board Room. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake, Dale Lange and Officer Eric Popp.
The November minutes were read. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $321,257.60 in the checking account.
RE: Lion’s Club Gambling Permit – An application to conduct off-site gambling was presented. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to sign the application, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Sheriff Report – Officer Eric Popp gave a report of happenings in Farming Township. Discussion was held.
RE: Road Issues – Discussion was held concerning snowplowing and conditions on 223rd Ave.
RE: Road History – Zoning Administrator Dewey Klaphake presented an updated Road History Report. The Board thanked him for keeping the records. He also stated there were no major zoning issues.
RE: COL Fire & Rescue – Jason Willenbring reported that starting in 2020 the Department will pay the firefighters for training, fire calls, etc. There will be a minor raise in fire protection costs but it was determined it was necessary to keep firefighters as COL was one of only two departments in the state that did not pay its firefighters.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6847 Jason Willenbring supervisor wages $ 484.84
6848 Judy Bruemmer reimb. computer/mileage 61.24
6849 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 65.08
6850 Dewey Klaphake permit fees/mileage 216.82
6851 Judy Bruemmer clerk wages 775.74
6852 MATIT workmans comp insurance 297.00
6853 Stearns Cty Aud. Treas. 2019 election equipment rental 1500.00
6854 Dewey Klaphake zoning administrator wages 300.14
6855 Dave Robertson reimb. mileage 17.98
6856 Dave Robertson supervisor wages 277.05
6857 Jason Willenbring reimb. mileage 17.92
6858 Daniel Stommes supervisor wages 346.31
6859 Lange Trenching road repair-223rd 250.00
6860 Duane Janssen treasurer wages 457.13
6861 Duane Janssen reimb. stamper 70.93
6862 Farming Township tarring fund CD 50,000.00
Total $ 55,138.18
Year-to-date Total $ 355,510.80
At 8:58 pm Jason Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.