The August Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Jason Willenbring at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dale Lange, and Dewey Klaphake
The July minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Ben Mergen seconded it. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $ 649,083.75 in the checking and money market accounts and $1,175,218.85 in CDs for a total of $1,824,302.60 between all accounts. Dan Stommes made a motion to have Adam move $50,000 from the Money Market account and add it to the CD that is coming due, and have the new CD have a term of 9 months, Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
Regarding the culvert on 290th and County Road 9, Discussion was held. A new culvert has been ordered and Lange Trenching should have it installed in the next couple of weeks, along with the work on 223rd.
Dust coating, nothing done yet, will wait till next year to do dust coating. Discussion was held, in 2024 flags or some other way to mark the areas to be dust coated will have to be looked at.
Paynesville Cenex has almost used up the dollar amount that the township had approved for spraying the weeds/trees along township roads. Regarding the Spraying of trees and weeds, there was one citizen that expressed concerns about this, and like to not have the trees/weeds sprayed along their property line, they are OK with the trees being trimmed and brush cleaned up. This concern will be noted for next year if the township does spraying of weeds/trees.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid.
7236 VOID
7237 VOID
7238 Chain of Lakes Fire Protection 2051.45
7239 Lange Trenching Inc Class 2,Blading & repair 3352.25
ACH Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
ACH Stearns Electric Monthly Bill 65.08
Total $ 5547.73
Year-to-date Total $ 165,913.31
At 9:00pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn, Ben Mergen seconded it. All in favor, motion carried.