The July Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Jason Willenbring at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dale Lange, Trevor Lange, Math Schmitz and Dewey Klaphake
The June minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read with correcting the minutes to read the total value of the CD’s should be $1,173,118.23 and that Adam would be combing 7 CD’s into one and not 6 CD’s Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $ 701,727.56 in the checking and money market accounts and $1,175,218.85 in CD’s for a total of $1,876,946.41 between all accounts.
Ben Mergen has been in contact with Attorney Steve Fenske, regarding sending a letter to some property owners regarding the removal of trees in the township road right of way. This letter needs to be sent out 14 days prior to the removal of the trees.
Regarding the culvert on 290th and County Road 9, Discussion was held. Dale Lange from Lange Trenching will have the underground wires located and Jason Willenbring will contact the Statz’s regarding the size and type of hose that they use when pumping manure, to help determine the size and design of culvert that will be needed.
Dan Stommes gave a report from the Albany Fire Board. They will now send out 3 bills before turning over to a collection agency. They added one new member to the department, their annual golf tournament fund raiser is coming up. They will be applying for a FEMA grant again this year, even though they only qualify once every three years.
Jason Willenbring gave a report from the Chain of Lakes Fire Department. They got the new one ton truck, it will take two to three months to get it into operation. They will be having their annual pontoon raffle again this year.
Ben Mergen has been in contact with Paynesville Cenex, regarding spraying weeds in the township road ditches. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to allow Paynesville Cenex to start spraying for weeds based on the areas of most need, and that they would have a budget between five and seven thousand dollars to start. Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid.
7228 MR Signs 911 sign 46.43
7229 Arvig Monthly Bill 78.95
7230 Stearns Electric Monthly Bill 65.08
7231 Star Publications Legal Notice 26.74
7232 Lange Trenching Inc Class 2, Class 5, Blading, Repair 51049.80
7233 MATIT Insurance 1455.00
7234 Math Schmitz Mowing road ditches 2221.00
7235 United States Treasury 2nd quarter payroll tax 950.90
Total $ 55,893.90
Year-to-date Total $ 160,365.58
At 9:25pm Ben Mergen made a motion to adjourn, Dan Stommes seconded. All in favor, motion carried.