The June Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Jason Willenbring at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present was Dale Lange
The May minutes were read, Dan Stommes made a motion to accept the minutes as read with correcting the minutes to add Lange Trenching Inc. after Dale Lange, and to add repair and snow removal to the memo for Lange Trenching. Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Adam Brix gave a financial report with $540,780.37 in the checking and money market accounts. Adam also presented a list of the CD’s that the township has at the bank with a value of $1,173,118.23. Discussion was held regarding these CD’s and Adam will combine 7 of them into one CD with 12 month maturity and earning 5% interest.
Other issues of discussion:
Lange Trenching Inc will fix the culvert on 290th Ave up by County road 9.
At the July meeting more discussion will be held regarding removing the cattle pass on 223rd Ave and getting some bids to do some tarring repairs on 223rd Ave.
Linda Theisen presented a one day liquor license request from the Farming Community Center to have a Octoberfest fundraiser on September 30,2023. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to approve the one day liquor license, Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
The July meeting would be Tuesday July 4, being that is a holiday, discussion was held. Dan Stommes made a motion to move the next meeting to Thursday July 6, 2023, Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, motion carried.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
7211 Dan Stommes Supervisor wages $1219.02
7212 Dan Stommes Mileage, supplies,short course fee $260.49
7213 Jason Wilenbring Mileage $129.70
7214 Linda Theisen Clerk wages $1454.51
7215 Linda Theisen Mileage, election judge, copies, $401.32
7216 Ben Mergen Mileage $78.60
7217 Void
7218 Adam Brix Treasurer Wages $831.15
7219 Stearns County Assessing Fees $7231.75
7220 Jason Willenbring Supervisor Wages $1403.72
7221 Jason Willenbring Blading w/tractor,pull in shoulders $ 2520.00
7222 Arvig Monthly Bill $78.95
7223 Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $65.08
7224 Lange Trenching Inc Blading, class 2, repairs $7855.16
7225 Star Post Legal notice $44.55
7226 Ben Mergen Supervisor wages $831.15
7227 Ben Mergen Short course reimburse $75.00
Total $ 24480.15
Year-to-date Total $ 104,471.68
At 9:20pm Dan Stommes made a motion to adjourn, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.