The February Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present was Adam Brix
The January minutes were read. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $537,378.06 in the checking account.
RE: Linda Theisen gave a follow up for the cost of a new computer, it would cost about $1100.00 it was decided that we would wait with getting a new computer at this time.
Duane Janssen will follow up with Stearns Bank regarding interest rates on CD’s current rate is 3.79%, currently if a CD is cashed in before the maturity date we would lose 6 months of interest.
Adam Brix will also check with Bank of the West what their interest rates would be.
A request from Hillebrandt Trucking was presented for permission to drive on gravel roads during road restrictions for hauling and pick up of rendering. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the request, Ben Mergen seconded it, All In favor, Motion carried
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid
7175 Arvig Monthly Bill $ 78.95
7176 Total Agri-Business Preparing w2’s and 1099’s $ 144.00
7177 City of St. Martin Fire Protections $ 7680.01
7178 Sunny Brook Ent Plow/Sand/Salt $10,265.00
7179 Chain of Lakes Fire 1st Quarter Fire Protection $ 2051.45
7180 Star Publications Legal Notice $42.00
7181 Stearns Electric Monthly Bill $ 65.08
7182 Stearns County Assn Townships Dues $ 1028.70
7183 Farming Community Center Yearly rent $3500.00
TOTAL $24,855.19
Year to date total $35,353.54
At 9:15 Jason Willenbring made a motion to recess the monthly meeting to hold the board of Audit and Budget meetings, Ben Mergen seconded it . All in favor motion carried
Unofficial Minutes of the Board of Audit Meeting 2.7.2023
Dan Stommes call the Board of Audit Meeting to order at 9:15pm
The Clerk and Treasurer met on Tuesday January 31,2023 to reconcile their records. The supervisors reviewed the report. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the report as presented. Ben Mergen seconded it. All in favor motion carried.
Official Minutes of the Budget Meeting 2.7.23
Dan Stommes called the Budget meeting to order at 9:20 pm
The Board reviewed the budget information and expenses from the previous year and set the budget to propose at the annual meeting at $224,000. With $100,000 from the budget being put into the tarring fund. Ben Mergen made a motion to accept the proposed amounts. Jason Willenbring seconded it, All in favor, motion carried.
The February monthly meeting was called back to order by Dan Stommes at 9:25pm
Township Election- Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to appoint Linda Theisen as head judge with Vic Kotten and Anne Smith-Bleichner as judges and to appoint Linda Theisen and Vic Kotten to the Absentee Ballot Board. Ben Mergen seconded it. All in favor, motion carried
Jason Willenbring made a motion to use Tuesday March 28th as the 3rd alternate date for Township election, Ben Mergen seconded it, All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen stated that there was an article in The Township Report stating that township should define what duties are expected of the Deputy Clerk and Treasurer and what their pay should be. This is something to be looked into, in the future
At 9:35 Ben Mergen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded it, all in favor, motion carried