The September Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Kerry Mergen and Math Schmitz. The meeting was held using social distancing and Covid 19 recommendations.
The August minutes were read. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $617,247.78 in the checking account.
RE: Linda had a request from Community Center board, if it would be a option to move to a different room if the Community Center could rent the current room out for a different purpose. Discussion was held, it would not be a problem to move if the Center so would request it.
RE: Kerry Mergen will begin his project on 288th, that he had requested last fall. He was asked to let Dan Stommes know when he would be starting because of the bus route.
RE: Ben Mergen did a ride along with Paynesville Cenex about spraying the road ditches this fall yet, discussion was held and it will be revisited in spring.
RE: Trees on Mahogany Road are starting to present a problem. The board will try to get a hold of the land owner to discuss getting them trimmed back.
Other trees along township roads will be trimmed this fall and winter as time permits
Some research was done regarding the boil on 223rd ave , it was determined that is was dug up and some sand was in there about 15 years ago, it is an on going issue
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid
7133 Dan Stommes Mileage $ 67.19
7134 Dan Stommes Supervisor wages $ 346.31
7135 Linda Theisen Clerk wages $ 943.36
7136 Jason Willenbring Supervisor wages $ 415.57
7137 Linda Theisen Mileage, ink cartridge $ 162.72
7138 Stearns Electric Monthly bill $ 65.08
7139 Arvig Monthly bill $ 86.95
7140 Math Schmitz Cutting road ditches $ 3633.25
7141 City of St Martin Fire protection $ 6387.08
7142 Ben Mergen Supervisor wage $ 310.30
7143 Duane Janssen Treasurer wages $ 554.10
Total $ 12,971.91
Year-to-date Total $ 209,418.75
At 8:50 pm Ben Mergen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
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