The May Monthly Meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Math Schmitz, Eric Popp, Stearns County Deputy, Kristina Peasley and Dale Lange. The meeting was held using social distancing and Covid 19 recommendations.
The April minutes were read. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $497,621.55 in the checking account.
RE: Ryan Symanietz was granted is request to vacate the easement between lots 2 and 3 of Royal River Road
RE: Eric Popp of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department gave a report of the activity that happened in Farming Township in March and April of 2022.
RE: Kristina Peasly asked if it would be possible to have some more crushed granite hauled on to 218th Ave, it is very soft in some spots, especially when wet. The board will look into this in the near future when the road is wet.
RE: Dust Control, there is only one quote it was from Central Minnesota Dust Control, their quote is for .65 cents per foot. Discussion was held, they should be able to apply in a timely manner this year as they have more storage for the product. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept this bid. Ben Mergen seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
RE: Ditch Cutting, there was only on quote, it was from Math Schmitz, his quote was for $85/hour plus fuel. Discussion was held Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept this quote, Ben Mergen seconded, All in favor, motion carried
RE: Crack Filling, there was only one quote, it was from Midwest Asphalt it is for $1.60 per pound. Discussion was held, Ben Mergen made a motion to accept this quote, Jason Willenbring seconded it, All in favor, Motion carried
RE: Class 2, there was only one quote, it was from Lange Trenching, class 2 granite $21.47/ton and bladed one time. Discussion was held, Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the quote for Class 2 granite from Lange Trenching, Ben Mergen seconded, All in favor, Motion carried
RE: Class 5 gravel, there was only one quote, it was from Lange Trenching Inc, Class 5 gravel $13.50 CY and bladed one time. Discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to accept the quote from Lange Trenching for the class 5 and blading, Ben Mergen seconded All in favor, Motion carried
RE: Blading township roads, there was only one quote, it was from Lange Trenching Inc. Blading the roads at $55/mile. Discussion was held. Ben Mergen made a motion to accept the quote from Lange Trenching to blade the township roads for $55/mile, Jason Willenbring seconded it, All in favor, Motion carried
The supervisors had finished the road tour. Discussion was held with Dale Lange about road and culvert issues along 223rd Ave and all other roads with issues.
RE: Linn Dairy driving up on to the road thru the ditch on Clear Lake Road Jason will discuss with them.
RE: Arvig update, they would charge $6500 to bring fiber optics to the building. Discussion was held. Arvig did bring the internet into the building thru the telephone line.
RE: Broadband to unserved and underserved in the township, Discussion was held Ben Mergen made a motion to commit $40,000 of ARPA money to the county so they can go ahead and apply for the boarder to boarder grant at this time, and when the township gets the second half of the ARPA money we will look at giving more money for this project. Jason Willenbring seconded it, All in favor, Motion carried.
RE: Liquor License for Trappers Pub and Grub discussion was held. Jason Willenbring made a motion to approve the liquor license for Trappers Pub and Grub, Ben Mergen seconded it, all in favor, Motion carried
RE: 5th Monday Meeting Dan Stommes gave a report that there will be a referendum to purchase the old hospital building in Albany. If purchased the pre school classes and Kindergarten would be in that building.
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid
Check 7094 Robyn Theisen help Linda with ARPA report $18.00
Check 7095 Stearns Electric Monthly bill $65.08
Check 7096 M& R Sign Sign $45.43
Check 7097 MAT CTAS Training/Linda $65.00
Check 7098 Lange Trenching Blading $3465.00
Check 7099 Chain of Lakes Fire 2nd qtr fire protection $1813.60
Total $5472.11
Year to date total $59519.01
At 10:15 pm Jason Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Ben Mergen seconded. All in favor, motion carried.