Notice of Public Hearing
The Farming Township Board has scheduled a Public Hearing for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday April 5th, 2022 to be held at the Farming Community Center, Farming, MN. The purpose of the hearing is to gather public input regarding the proposed vacation of a 20’ utility easement between lot #2 and lot #3 in Royal River View Addition. Pursuant to MN Statute 164.07, the Board is in receipt of an authorized petition by property owners within the proposed boundaries of the District and who are legal voters of the town. Persons wishing to provide comment on this proposal may attend the hearing in person, or contact the Farming Township Clerk via email at Comments submitted should pertain only to this proposal and should be able to be read/stated within 3 minutes. All written comments must be received by 5 P.M. on 4/4/22 to be included in the hearing. Respectfully, Farming Township.