The September monthly meeting of the Farming Township Board was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm in the FCC Board Room. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake and Dale Lange. The meeting was held using social distancing and following Covid-19 recommendations.
The August minutes were read. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Treasurer Duane Janssen gave a financial report with $441,751.44 in checking.
RE: Arvig Culvert Issues – Jason Willenbring reported he found 3 more culverts with issues concerning Arvig as he was doing the culvert inventory. He is not finished with the inventory so doesn’t know if there are any more. A lengthy discussion was held concerning the issues and the ordinance drawn up by the lawyer. Dave Robertson made a motion to adopt the ordinance, named Ordinance 9.1.2020, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried. It was decided the Clerk will publish a summary of the ordinance and put copies in the local library and the County Law library.
RE: Cares Relief Fund – Several options were discussed regarding the fund and which things to fund. The Treasurer stated he had not received any funds yet. The Clerk will check with the State to see if there was any problem. It was decided that Supervisors should check with the fire departments to see what they need and to come with ideas for funding Township with materials and the FCC for Covid-19 cleaning, etc.
RE: Weed Inspection – Supervisors stated that it is finished and there were no major issues.
RE: Albany School District – Dan Stommes gave a report on the School Board meeting and how classes were being started.
RE: Albany Fire Department – Dan Stommes reported on the Fire Department meeting. The department has opted to buy a new pumper truck and put the ladder truck issue on hold due to high cost and loss of some of their fundraisers.
RE: District 5 Meeting – Dave Robertson and Duane Janssen reported on the Zoom meeting. Many legislative issues haven’t been solved. The one concern was an anticipated shortage of state troopers by the year 2022.
RE: Zoning – Dewey gave a short zoning report. He also suggest that the Board come up with a list of permit costs, etc.
9.1.2020 Minutes Page 2
The following claims were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6918 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $ 65.08
6919 Judy Bruemmer clerk wages 865.82
6920 Math Schmitz road ditch cutting 2,648.50
6921 Judy Bruemmer reimb. supplies/computer 88.91
6922 Lange Trenching granite 310.25/blading2350 2,660.25
6923 Couri & Ruppe lawyer fees 682.50
6924 Dewey Klaphake zoning adm. wages 166.23
6925 Dewey Klaphake reimb. fees/mileage 130.44
6926 Dave Robertson supervisor wages 325.53
6927 Dave Robertson reimb. mileage 24.36
6928 Jason Willenbring supervisor wages 415.57
6929 Daniel Stommes supervisor wages 415.57
6930 Daniel Stommes reimb. mileage 32.48
6931 Central MN Dust Control dustcoating 17,319.40
6932 Duane Janssen treasurer wages 526.40
Total $ 26,367.04
Year-to-date Total $ 270,819.32
At 9:36 pm Dave Robertson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Jason Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.