Official Minutes 9.6.16
The September monthly board meeting of Farming Township was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Matt Schmitz, Brian Brix, Dale Lange and Nick Salzer.
The August minutes were read. One correction was made: the wages for the Albany firemen was $11.00 per hour. Dave Robertson made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report stating the checking account balance was $290,833.12.
RE: Clear Lake/300th St. Culverts – It was reported that repair work was done on the culverts. It was also noted that a culvert on 218th St. needs to be cleaned out. This will be taken care of.
RE: Kriegle Lake Road – Vernon Willenbring reported that repair on the road will not be done this year and Collegeville Township will contact us again before the work is done.
RE: Road Spraying – Matt Schmitz reported that some areas were missed during road spraying.
RE: Marshfield Circle – Nick Salzer stated that the recent rains have caused problems along his property. Discussion was held. The Board asked Lange Trenching to check on the problem and repair it if necessary.
RE: Albany School Board Meeting – Dan Stommes reported that things are going well with the new construction. Student count is up. Construction costs are running below estimates at this time.
RE: District Township Meeting – The Supervisors attended the meeting on August 18, 2016. Dave Robertson won a copy of the Manual on Town Government and gave it to the Board.
RE: County Road 117 – Discussion was held concerning the Chip Seal that was done on the road and its current condition.
RE: Old Computer – The Clerk asked the Board for permission to get rid of the old computer that was given to the Township by the County many years ago. It is outdated and current accounting programs, etc cannot be used on it. The Board told the Clerk to get rid of it as she saw fit.
RE: Zoning/Road Spreadsheet – Dewey Klaphake gave a short zoning report and distributed copies of the updated Road Spreadsheet. He will continue to update it as he receives the information. The Board thanked him for his work.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6475 Daniel Stommes supervisor wages 311.68
6476 Daniel Stommes reimburse – mileage 36.96
6477 Dave Robertson supervisor wages 439.82
6478 Dave Robertson reimburse – mileage 35.28
6479 Math Schmitz road ditch cutting 2315.00
6480 Lange Trenching blading/culvert repair 5260.86
6481 COL Fire District Qtr 3 fire protection 1243.09
6482 Vernon Willenbring reimburse – election meals 60.39
6483 Victor Kotten election judge 137.70
6484 Mary Lou Salzl election judge 140.50
6485 Judy Bruemmer reimburse – mileage/computer 209.20
6486 Judy Bruemmer clerk wages 803.44
6487 Joyce Wimmer election judge 227.88
6488 Linda Theisen election judge 112.50
6489 Jack Wimmer election judge 112.50
6490 Judy Bruemmer election judge 115.63
6491 Vernon Willenbring election judge 116.62
6492 Dave Robertson election judge 87.50
6493 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
6494 Dewey Klaphake reimburse – mileage 38.72
6495 Dewey Klaphake zoning administrator/website wages 657.99
6496 Vernon Willenbring supervisor wages 443.28
6497 Duane Janssen treasurer wages 429.43
Total $13,400.90
Year-to-date Total $221,549.79
At 9:00 pm, Vernon Willenbring made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dave Robertson seconded. All in favor, motion carried.