Unofficial Minutes 11.3.14
The November monthly meeting was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Ken Janssen, Deb Janssen, Dale Lange and Art Janssen.
The October minutes were read. Vernon Willenbring made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Neil Franz seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report stating that the Township had $169,610.16 in checking.
RE: 260th Street East – Ken Janssen reported that there was a problem regarding a culvert and a hole on 260th St. He also stated that the road was in bad shape this last spring. Discussion was held. Ken Janssen had repaired the bad spot on his own. The Board told him to check with them when there is a problem as there could be insurance and legal problems if he would do it without getting their permission. The Board agreed to pay him for the repair work he had already done.
RE: Snow Removal – Only one quote was received for snow removal. Lange Trenching stated that they were not interested. Sunny Brook Enterprises sent a quote for 2014/2015 of truck use $100/hr, salt/sand $85/yd (notation of possible shortage may cause increase in price), $5/hr surcharge if diesel costs is above $4/gallon and a monthly guarantee of $600 above normal charges for the four months of December, January, February and March. Discussion was held. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the quote for snow removal from Sunny Brook Enterprises, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
RE: Crackfilling – The Supervisors stated that crackfilling was finished on the designated road.
RE: Achilles Plat – Zoning Administrator Dewey Klaphake had sent an e-mail to Supervisor Franz that the Township had to sign the plat so they could go forward with the County to establish a building credit on the acreage. The Achilles’ were not present at the meeting. The matter was tabled until they came to present their plat.
RE: Hedgewood Road – A property owner contacted the Clerk about the guard rail along the culvert that was repaired. Discussion was held. Dan Stommes and Duane Janssen stated that they would put it up.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6273 Ken Janssen repair on 260th East $ 200.00
6274 Lange Trenching blading 2003.82
6275 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill 64.93
6276 Star Publications newspaper ads 31.05
6277 M-R Sign Inc road signs 2193.61
6278 COL Fire & Rescue 3rd quarter fire protection 1269.96
6279 Black Angus Sealcoating crackfilling 12356.00
Total $ 18,119.37
Year-to-date Total $ 223,139.16
At 9:05 pm, Neil Franz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.