Official Minutes
The November monthly meeting was called to order by Dan Stommes at 8:00 pm. The flag pledge was said. All members were present. Also present were Dewey Klaphake, Dale Lange, Randy Orbeck, Mary Orbeck, and Tony Legatt.
The October minutes were read. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
Duane Janssen gave a financial report stating that Farming Township had a balance of $99,349.00
RE: Snow Removal Quotes – Only one quote was received fro snow removal. Sunny Brook Enterprises gave a quote for $100/hr, $85 for salt/sand, $5 surcharge if diesel costs more than $4/gal, and a $600 per month guarantee for the months of Dec, Jan, Feb and March in addition to the normal charges. Discussion was held. Neil Franz made a motion to accept the quote from Sunny Brook Enterprises for $100/hr with $5 surcharge if diesel is over $4/gal, $85 for salt/sand and guarantee of $600 for months of Dec, Jan, Feb and March over the normal charges, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried. (Note: Lange Trenching was asked for a quote but did not want to submit one.)
RE: Mergen Fire Bill – Neil Franz reported that he is still checking into it.
RE: Graham Curve Sign – Dan Stommes will check on it.
RE: Nett 911 Sign – Vernon Willenbring will check on it.
RE: COL Fire and Rescue District – Vernon Willenbring reported that there will be a Budget Meeting on November 20, 2013 at 7:30 pm. All board members are invited. A notice will be posted.
RE: District Township Meeting – Duane Janssen attended the District Meeting in Freeport on October 24, 2013. He gave a report on the meeting and shared the information he received there.
RE: Zoning – Dewey Klaphake gave a short report on current zoning activity.
RE: Printer – The Township printer is not compatible with the new laptop computer. The authorized the Clerk to purchase a new printer.
The following warrants were examined, verified and ordered paid:
6132 Stearns Cty Auditor truth in taxation charge $102.00
6133 Mayer’s Repair bolts for signs $43.10
6134 Stearns Electric monthly electric bill $64.93
6135 Star Publications newspaper ads $23.45
6136 Lange Trenching blading $3674.67
6137 City of St. Martin 1/2 fire protection 2013 $5281.35
Total $9,189.50
Year-to-date Total $169,281.37
At 8:40 pm, Neil Franz made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Vernon Willenbring seconded. All in favor, motion carried.